Super Saturdays! Youth Classes
FREE First Saturdays of the Month
Free, fun, art classes for kids, 1st through 5th grade
with Peg Grandstaff & Sherry Bonczak
February 1, March 1, April 5, May 3, June 7
2 times to pick from: 10 AM - NOON OR 1 - 3 PM
Registration required. Space limited.
Just call to sign up for a cool, easy art project you can make & take!
CALL 586.752.5700 to register.
"Playing with Paint"
Teacher: Peg Grandstaff
Feb 15, Feb 22, Mar 8
Cost: $18 for 3 sessions
Ages: 7-9 years Time: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Complete 5 unique painting projects that explore the many different aspects of this 'messy' medium.
Wear old clothes and be prepared to try something new!
"Playing with Sculpture"
Teacher: Peg Grandstaff
Mar 15, Mar 22, Mar 29
Cost: $18 for 3 sessions
Ages: 10-12 years Time: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Cut it, tape it, paste it, plaster it and see what happens!
Complete sculptures in 5 different mediums and see where your creativity leads!
"String Art Project"
Teacher: Sherry Bonczak
April 12
Cost: $8
Ages: 8-12 Time: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Revisit a 70's craft using string art to create a colorful spirograph design.
"Japanese Sushi Plate"
Teacher: Sherry Bonczak
May 17
Cost: $8
Ages: 9-12 Time: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Make your very own decorative Japanese Sushi Dish using clay and Black Emperor Rice
"Playing with Clay"
Teacher: Peg Grandstaff
Coming Summer 2014!!

2018 in Review

"Thumb Area Artists' Exhibition"
September 2018

The Romeo Guild of Art presents the 58th annual Thumb Area Artists' Exhibition.
1st Sharon Will "Back of the Elevator"
2nd James Kasparek "Indian Rocks Beach Sunset"
3rd Kip Kowalski "Ognissa"
4th Vianna Szazo "Pensive"
5th Evelyn Raiter "Winter's Glory II"
HM Theresa Balboa "The Chemical Valley"
HM Robert Fionda "Bardini Garden Gate"
HM Philip Krzeminski "Sleeping Bear Beach Trail"
Dolores Kurily Memorial Award, Harry Villalonga "Grand Rendevous"
"Photography of Gene Chamberlain" "My Cover Story"

"People, Places and Things: The Expressive World" Bowen Kline
Bowen Kline is a Southfield native with a national reputation as one of the country's finest artists. He is self-taught, and his works are held in private collections nationwide. Today, Kline makes his home in Romeo, Michigan and is especially known for his expressive portraits and nudes. Kline's extraordinary works reveal his own heart and speak to a different cultures and identities. His paintings show isolation and loneliness, but also hope and wonder. Kline creates art that is fresh, daring, unforgettable. Opening Reception is Friday, June 15, 7-9PM in the Ford Gallery at Starkweather Arts Center.

"Different Strokes" Susan Kwolek and Jan Filarski

Variety, experimentation, and expression are words that come to mind when describing the work of Jan Filarski and Susan Kwolek. Many years of teaching taught them how to be resourceful and playful in their mixed media art. Come experience "Different Strokes" through June 8.
"Different Strokes" Artist Jan Filarski: "Abstraction is what I like best and some of my art shows humor. I am an experimental artist often using a combination of unlikely materials in one work. I like mixed media and enjoy that there are new materials being produced all the time for artists to explore. The sciences and nature have influenced my work and animals are a theme. Otherworldly scenes and environments with organic robots and mechanism are some of my latest works."
From Artist Susan Kwolek: "All of my art can be characterized as experimental and expressive irrespective of the subject or content. Many years as an art educator led me on a constant quest to be resourceful with sometimes limited materials. Teaching also added to and clarified my knowledge of art techniques, history, and philosophy. Today, experimenting gives me a deeper personal engagement with my own art."
Romeo Community Schools Youth Art Show
Thanks to the Romeo Schools Art Teachers and students for presenting their best work once again!

"Me Daza"Barbara Clay & Denise Dunn

Annual Members Show
We would like to congratulate all of our Member artists who entered our annual show.
Here are the winning entries:
People's Choice: "Playing Dress Up" Sandra LaBaere
$100 1st Place "Blue Pot" Vianna Szabo
$75 2nd Place "Learn from my Mistakes" Kimberly Santini
$50 3rd Place "Feather" Christina Haylett
Honorable Mentions:
"A Good Place to Rest" John Friedrich
"Floral One" Heidi Hamilton
"Wood Duck" Brian Korn
"Energy of Life" Michelle Kouri
"Beautiful Shoes" Dolores Kurily
"Undulations" Diane O'Neil
"Sea Shell Still Life" Sharon Will
"Silent Stalker" Rachel Williams
Two special awards were selected by member and supporter George Simcina.
$100 "Beautiful Shoes" Dolores Kurily 1st Place
$50 "BE Focused" Sandy LaBaere 2nd Place
Thank you to our juror, Laura Whitesides Host.
Just in time for March, Starkweather is proud to present the Irish inspired art of Denise Dunn and Barbara Clay.
"Me Daza" is the show's name, and it means "something wonderful" in Gaelic.
Barb Clay is an award winning artist from Mt. Clemens and a member of the Romeo Guild of Art.
She states:
"Painting is not an option for me. It is an important aspect of who I am. Although I only
began painting about twenty years ago, it feels now like it has always been in my DNA.
For me, making art is about the process of self expression and problem solving."
Denise Dunn recently relocated to the Traverse City area, but maintains strong ties to this area.
She is a long time member of The Detroit Society of Women Painters and Sculptors.
Her work has been in many juried shows and is displayed in a number of private
collections, including the Kresge Collection. Denise states:
"Ireland is the home of my ancestors. These paintings were inspired by my memories and
photographs taken during a recent visit to Ireland. My intention is to share my
Ireland experience through this work on an emotional level, offering a moment in
time through my eyes."